News and Events

Updated: 15 December 2023

School of Communication student receives AIA Scholarships

The second-year undergraduate student, Elaine Lai Uen-ling, majoring in Journalism and Digital Media, has been awarded the AIA Scholarships 2022-23. Alongside six other HKBU students, this group of individuals has received these scholarships as a testament to their exceptional academic achievements and their commitment to serving the community. Each awardee will receive an award of HK$50,000 each year throughout their undergraduate studies. AIA established the AIA Scholarships in 2020 and has pledged US$100 million to support 100 undergraduates every year to pursue studies at universities in Hong Kong over the next few decades.

Sharing of Elaine Lai Uen-ling

“I am incredibly grateful to have been awarded the AIA scholarships from the AIA Foundation. This scholarship has had a profound impact on my university journey, as it has alleviated the financial burdens I faced and allowed me to fully immerse myself in my leadership endeavors, specifically through my involvement in AIESEC and Project Melo.

Looking back at the beginning of 2023, I must admit that I didn't have high expectations when I applied for this scholarship. During the interview process, I focused on showcasing the best version of myself, which is my passion for striving for excellence as a youth leader. Being selected as a recipient of the AIA scholarships came as a complete surprise and served as a tremendous source of encouragement, motivating me to further pursue my university journey.

As I reflect on the end of 2023, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible growth I have experienced throughout the year, despite the inevitable ups and downs. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to all those who have extended their helping hands when I encountered obstacles along the way.

In 2024, I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to expand my horizons through my major study tour and semester exchange. I am ready and excited to leverage my overseas experiences to make contributions not only to my university, but also to the Hong Kong community. Once again, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the AIA Foundation for providing me with much more than just financial support. It has given me the opportunity to face challenges with courage and resilience, and for that, I am truly thankful."

Lai Uen-ling (4th from right); Professor Henry Fock (1st right), Director of Student Affairs at HKBU; Mr Jacky Chan (centre), AIA Regional Chief Executive and Group Chief Distribution Officer, and Co-chairman of the AIA Scholarships Committee; Mr Stuart Spencer, AIA Group Chief Marketing Officer, and Co-chairman of the AIA Scholarships Committee (5th from right); Mr Alger Fung, Chief Executive Officer, AIA Hong Kong & Macau, and Director of AIA Foundation (5th from left); and other six HKBU awardees.


Officiating guests of the award presentation ceremony and the scholarship recipients.



Lee Shau Kee Communication and
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