News and Events

Updated: 14 November 2023

School of Communication and Career Centre collaboration projects win public relations awards

HKBU teams made their debut and clinched two awards in the 5th Hong Kong Public Relations Awards organised by the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals' Association.

Led by Dr Angela Mak, Associate Professor of the Department of Communication Studies at the School of Communication, a team comprising students, alumni, and the Career Centre under the Office of Student Affairs won the Silver Award in the "NGOs/NPOs/Social Enterprises Communications" category. This is the first time in recent years that faculty, students, alumni, and administrative department jointly participated in the public relations industry competition.

In the campaign titled "Work Together with Heart: A students-as-partners approach in campus and employer engagement toward student employability”, the team successfully organised three major events amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic in 2021 to help students enter the job market. These events included the Employer Luncheon, an office attire recycling activity and eco-fashion show, and a virtual career fair.

Meanwhile, another HKBU team comprising recent graduates Pang Yee-lam, Lai Pik-sho, Cheung Wing-ka and Tsing Kwan-kiu from Communication Studies won the Gold Award in the newly introduced student category "Future PR Rising Star Awards". They were also the only student team to achieve this honour. In response to this year’s competition theme "Hong Kong Takes Wing", the team developed a strategic publicity plan targeting overseas visitors.

Dr Mak said, "I am thankful for the trust placed in us by the University's management, colleagues, and alumni, which allowed the participating students to unleash their creativity and apply their public relations expertise to foster resilience during the pandemic.”

Dr Angela Mak (4th left) leads the HKBU team winning the Silver Award in the "NGOs/NPOs/Social Enterprises Communications" category.


Gold Award winners of the "Future PR Rising Star Awards": Rachel Pang Yee-lam (3rd left), Lai Pik-sho (4th left), Alice Cheung Wing-ka (4th right), and Joshua Tsing Kwan-kiu (3rd right).


The HKBU winning teams


The HKBU teams make their debut the 5th Hong Kong Public Relations Awards and achieve remarkable success by winning two prestigious awards.


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