News and Events

Updated: 11 November 2021

Academy of Film graduates shine at international film festivals

Graduates of the Academy of Film (AF) have recently received recognition for their outstanding productions at a number of film festivals around the world.

Su Yueqin, a 2020 graduate from the Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television and Digital Media programme, premiered her graduation work Days of Love at the world-renowned DMZ International Documentary Film Festival in South Korea. Her film was also nominated in the “Shorts Competition” section of the Festival. The movie explores the bond between a father and daughter, and Su Yueqin returned to her hometown and revisited the meaning of love and growth during filming. She was also invited to compete in the 8th Chongqing Youth Film Festival, and screen her work in the 1st Mǎo International Film Week on the Mainland.

Lam Yan-yue, a 2020 graduate from the Film and Television Concentration, was invited to screen her honours project And I, And I at various festivals, including the Short to the Point Short Film Festival and the 17th IAWRT Asian Women’s Film Festival. Her film is about the relationship between a single mother and her intellectually disabled son over the past 45 years. Meanwhile, her classmate Chiang Kun-leong was invited by the 5th Macao International Film Festival & Awards to showcase his film Empty Sky.

A number of outstanding graduation animations produced by AF alumni have also received international accolades. Ho Wing-ki, a 2020 graduate of the Animation and Media Arts Concentration, was included in the official selection of the LINOLEUM Animation Festival with her work Waves. The film was also a semi-finalist at the Sweden Film Awards. Another graduate of the same class, Yiu Wan-yin, was invited by the 17th IAWRT Asian Women’s Film Festival to screen her work Funeral.

Since 2019, AF students and alumni have received a total of over 170 awards and mentions at various international film festivals. Please click here to learn more about their latest achievements.

Film sill from Days of Love

Films still from And I, And I

Films still from Empyt Sky

Films still from Waves

Films still from Funeral



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