Faculty Members

Associate Dean and Professor 教授兼副院長

  • MA, Ringo C. L. 馬成龍

    Ph.D., University of Florida
    Associate Dean, School of Communicaiton
    Professor, Department of Communication Studies

Ringo Ma (Ph.D., University of Florida), Professor in the Communication Studies Department and Associate Dean of the School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), had taught in Canada and the U.S. for 15 years before he joined the faculty of HKBU. He was recipient of 1997 Distinguished Scholarship Award from the International and Intercultural Communication Division of National Communication Association (for the "Best Article" published in 1996), 2005 Excellent Service Award from the Association for Chinese Communication Studies (ACCS), 2013 President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Service from HKBU, and 2007, 2009 & 2011 Awards for School of Communication's outstanding performance in teaching from HKBU. His research is cited in many books and journal articles in intercultural communication, communication theory, organizational communication and interpersonal communication.

(his webpage, vita, & most cited works)

T: (852) 3411 7483