
Updated: 9 June 2015

Film student wins two awards at Hong Kong Creative Drama Festival

Academy of Film's student won four awards at the 5th Hong Kong Creative Drama Festival for their creative short plays performed jointly with team members from other local institutions. The winning teams were invited to perform at the award presentation ceremony on 23 May.

This year's theme was Healthy Lifestyle. Teams formed by students from primary, secondary schools and colleges were given limited time and a few stage props to perform short plays based on assigned topics.

Jack Yip (English Language and Literature and English Language Teaching, Year 2) won the first runner-up award and the outstanding award in the college category. His team comprised members from City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Institute of Education. With a topic around the theme of "sex', this winning team's performance reflected on the detrimental effect arising from an overindulgence in sex.

Jack said that participation in the festival enabled him to put HKBU's graduate attributes Creativity and Teamwork into practice. He said: "My experience in last year's Festival sparked my interest in drama, and this was the reason I joined the activity this year. Short plays not only allowed my team to unleash our creativity, more importantly, they enabled us to experience teamwork. What's more, I was able to produce a good play with team members I had just met, and know more about myself and learn effective modes of communication."

In addition, Claudia Chu (China Studies, Year 2) and Wong Man-yee (Film and Media Arts, Year 3) received two proficiency awards for their performance with students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

The Festival was jointly organised by HKBU's Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning and the Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association. For more details, please visit:


Jack Yip (centre) says that performing drama enables him to learn a lot and gain encouragement.




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